Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sibylline: Prophecies 2011

1. Greater US military activity in North Pakistan results in Coup. Military
Junta will rule Pakistan again. Civilian Government charged with
corruption...People back Coup in revulsion towards US.
2. Tensions in Kashmir escalate.
3. South Korea will be cause of distress on Korean peninsula.
4. Japan's economy collapses.
5. Oil prices continue to rise. Heating shortages in US and Ukraine cause
6. War in Lebanon. Syria and Iran beat back Israelis once again.
7. Violence in Yemen spreads to Saudi Arabia.
8. Dick Cheney, the man without a pulse, dies.
9. Bank of America folds.
10. US Markets rise until March. A terrible crash in April.
11. Economic downturn for nation outside of Wall Street and K Street
deepens. Afghan War and spike in violence throughout Iraq coupled
with the ongoing Economic catastrophe sends Obama's approval
rating under 30%.
12. Republicans in House outdo farce of Gingrich era Republicans. The
reaction and scapegoating will be fierce.
13. The Internet will be censored.
14. Julian Assange escapes extradition to US.
15. Jeb Bush begins 2012 Presidential Campaign in earnest.
16. Sec of State Hillary Clinton succumbs to heart failure in May.
17. Secretary Geithner ousted from Treasury when unemployment
numbers continue to rise.
18. Obama and Congress agree to make cuts in Social Security. Riots
19. Eurozone experiences hardship. United Kingdom suffers economic
crisis much worse than Greece or Ireland.
20. Famine in Eastern Europe.
21. NATO collapses because of IMF exacerbating Eurozone debt crisis.
22. Cuban Doctors solely responsible for ending Cholera epidemic in
23. China intervenes to quell sabre-rattling of South Korea.
24. City and State Governments go bankrupt all over US.
25. Drought in Midwestern US starts in April.
26. Bombing and unrest in Iraq fueled by US private mercs.
27. Indian cities rocked by suicide bombings.
28. Mubarak dictatorship toppled in Egypt.
29. Drug War in Mexico worsens with increased US involvement.
30. Colombia erupts into Civil War over crimes of government.
31. Police State measures tighten in US.
32. Hurricanes hit Northeast US.
33. General Petraeus quits Afghanistan in disgrace.

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