Friday, October 16, 2009

Autumn Menagerie 14: Saturn(The Bankers)

"C'est le premier vol de l'aigle."
---- Countess de Lehon
(tr. This is the first flight(theft) of the eagle.)

He returns from exile.
Shackled in shame
Behind the Sun,
His thoughts ripened
In sempiternal night,
Set on revenge.

Beware all youth.
He's hungry and
Now wants
All the children.

His greed
Never sated.
No rest until,
Belly bursting,
Splitting a grin,
Everything taken,
Proudly he leans back,
Pruning the masticated.

Every new dawn
Is another feast.

(The Sacred Texts
State: Time is Money.)


Anonymous said...

The picture is of the former CEO of Bank of America, Ken Lewis
at an announcement of BofA acquisition of Merrill Lynch--The other man is Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain.....This picture was taken before the collapse of the Banks and Financial Inst.'s in October of 2008.....A collapse taxpayers bailed out and now the banks, one year later, are rolling in profits and giving out huge bonuses.....almost equal to the taxpayer money they received...As Michael Moore has also implied, it's a high class form of Bank Robbery every small time bank robber would envy, but legal.

tammynet said...

Just to add more fuel to this fire...let's not forget that these people in the photo received tax breaks in dollar amounts that could stock every food bank in the country for a solid year easily. The amount of their tax breaks is way more than I will make in several years.