Monday, October 26, 2009

A Prophet in New York

Suppose stars under feet.
An error,
mistaking a puddle's reflection
for a fallen scrap
of starry black sky.

Golden calves gild
civic altars.

Behind tinted glass
the Hidden God
                                      Astonished, I'm lost 
                                       to neon suggestion.
The Creator did not
extend His hand.

A pair of red beacons
recede into city's
Host of light.


Anonymous said...

who was in NY, the Dalai Lama or Bono?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't read receding and not thinkg of male hairlines..

Who was the creator hidden from, the created? Does he abhor his creation.. a projection of self.

Anonymous said...

"I can't read.."

You should have stopped there.

Anonymous said...

Is that what you tell the hairline, when it's receeding?

"You should have stopped there."

Anonymous said...

I can't read "Neon" and not think of Nion...