Thursday, October 15, 2009

Autumn Menagerie 13: The Eternal Feminine

"All in transition is but reflection;
The untouchable here is elation;
Here the ineffable we cry;
The Eternal Feminine draws us on high."
--------- J.W. von Goethe, Faust, Part II, "Chorus Mysticus".
In the heart of dream
Youth never becomes.
The gold of a miser,
Never touched by light,
Is not fussed over
As relentlessly
As her form.
(Translation my own with some liberties taken.)
The unquoted blank verse is, of course, my work.


Beysshoes said...

I just don't get how seemingly (I use this loosely) intelligent men can drool over silicone. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

You have half the point, though the breasts are real...The "Eternal Feminine" in America is the marketing of young female sexuality--it is warped--a "stay, thou art fair" to women--stay 16 to 18 and never age! i.e. It's nonsense....The image overpowers the ability to reason and comprehend the words about youth never becoming......

Anonymous said...

Beys, you honestly can't look at that picture and understand why men would find her body attractive?

Beysshoes said...

I honestly cannot understand this ... yes. But then my favorite Charlie's angel was Kate Jackson.