Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Exuberant violence of new love,
scratches in unreachable places, 
pale spots on sheets

Bigger than number but fragile
as infant's peace

Lightning strikes from 
unseen, incalculable,
electron clouds.

Can we outrun our stars?

Close eyes when we kiss.
Dare not fall into black hole pores.
Pull my hair as you take me
below horizons where the dewy
abodes of paradise unfold.

There we'll drink
ambrosial founts of pleasure
with the alacrity 
of misers fondling treasure.

1 comment:

Beysshoes said...

David, The threading of open innocence and playful savagery of the first four stanzas is spoilt by its descension into the cliche` of electrons, outstripping stars, and the abode of Gods. I lovelovelove "Close your eyes, dear, when you kiss me ... " and the hair pulling. Get rid of the shards of techno-babble please. The black hole of every pore doesn't belong in this moving poetry - put it back into your 'Portnoy's Complaint' writes.

...You're digging deeper on this one David. I'm proud of you. Love, Sarai