Saturday, June 02, 2007

I Am Wonder-Foul

"Thereafter, he ennobled shame."

---Jean Genet, Journal du Voleur

Allow me to humble myself.
I'll leave the exalting to you, dear reader.

1. I enjoy picking my nose and eating the dried mucus and dust
folks call "buggers". I also enjoy picking scabs and eating
them. They are salty and delicious.

2. I can be disarmingly civil and even charming to people I detest.
I call it "two-faced considerate".

3. I honestly think physical beauty is a sign of inner beauty, and
ugliness is, likewise, the mark of inner foulness.

4. I enjoy the smell of my flatus.

5. I am too lazy to kill the scores of people I feel are not worth the
air they breathe. If they all died tomorrow, I'd be amused.

6. The happier I am the greater my enjoyment of cruelty.

7. It is not out of depression or anger that I write the above.
It is out of a desire to be open.

8. I feel one must hide something from all people; their very
own secret world.

9. I reserve the right to be disgusted by people who drink beer,
go to Starbucks, have a LinkedIn page, bite their fingernails,
and enjoy reality TV.

10. Disgust doesn't disbar the ability to love someone. Disgust,
oddly enough, is a form of fascination.

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