Sunday, March 04, 2012

Coup de main

Yellow sundress
blast by April sun
births the coup.

Light reigns
for a cursory

The sundress sets,
April disrobes.

Covetous hands
cradle fallout.


fork said...

mr para? it's mr fork.

Anatole David said...

Yes and I am still confounded by Dutch girls who can't make the toilet. How are you?

Your friend,

Fork said...

lol dutch girls! they make wherever they please with no regard to convention or santitation.

fork is well. his new screen name is forkreeeeeeeedux. aol took away all his others.

Anatole David said...

Dear Fork,

I only go there to get e-mail. I hope you're doing well and not swinging purses around violently. Miss you.

I'll send you something funny.

If I go in the pool I laugh and say, "It's what we have a pool guy for!"