Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Jonathan Turley Trickles the Bloody Tripe

My comment on this--->http://jonathanturley.org/2012/01/02/final-curtain-obama-signs-indefinite-detention-of-citizens-into-law-as-final-act-of-2011/

Nice article.
My only quibble is this gibberish:
"You do not 'support our troops' by denying the principles for which they
are fighting."
US troops, with rare exception, fight to serve Imperial need for resource control and extraction. To write such an absurdly naive sentence after so many war crime sprees(Not in any specific order: Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Cuba, North America etc..) is quite astonishing. It’s nice rhetoric. But the history of US military action in the real world, beyond idylls of patriotic idolatry and rank nationalism, displays an endless abattoir of Capital’s expansion.

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