Thursday, April 28, 2011

America's Loud and Proud Face of Exceptional Bigotry

How can anyone think the United States is a "post-racial" society when a media whore as shallow and stinted as Donald Trump can race-bait the President while, simultaneously, receiving the slavish attention of the corpress? It beggars the senses.
I am no fan of President Obama. The continuing Birther saga trivializes political discourse even further than seemed possible after the halcyon days of the corpress cheerleading Dubya's War Crime and Torture spree. (Yes, President Obama, just like Dubya, is a warmonger and torturer.)
Now Trump has moved on to Academic Review. "How did an anti-Colonial Kenyan get into Ivy League schools? Why isn't President Obama a good lawn jockey like 'the blacks' who are fond of me?" This is fine material for satire circa 1970. Maybe Trump can recycle some more Archie Bunker dialogue and get more interviews. This charade is vacuous as the Royal Wedding hype, but far more troubling. Too many citizens of the United States applaud Trump's views and admire his "serious and(of course) tough talk".

The election of Barack Obama during a recession has resurrected the ubiquitous and endemic spectre of racism in the US. Our elites would rather have angry white folks scapegoating immigrants, Muslims and a dark skinned President than focus rage at the real looters of the middle and lower classes--the Plutocratic Masters of Finance Capital. They give Mr. Trump all the air time he desires. Condone his excrescently bigoted and ignorant diatribes. Look at him folks! He puts on quite a show! "Americans" sit in front of the blue screen and nod their heads admiring "his fearless truth telling". He's so entertaining and decisive on his Reality Show!

The bullshit has hit the fan and people are quaffing it up like fragrant perfume. Unfortunately this makes Obama's bullshit on humanitarian war and economic recovery seem a marvel of preciosity.

In essence, nobody wins by appealing to the endless bigotry of "American Exceptionalism".


Beysshoes said...

My first comment didn't post. I loved this succinctly emphatic blurb. Bey

vq said...

David, your remarks are dead-on.