Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revolting Myopia

"Liberalism and revolution, restoring Louis XVI with tears
and listening to him(out of goodness)."
-----Dostoyevsky, Notes to The Double.

Western Corpress and their attendant barnacles, think tank
funded pundits , are taken by the Romanticism of the revolts
in Tunisia and Egypt. They chant paeans to Social Media and
Democracy while never stating the clear cause of these revolts.

Their Myopic predilection for pageantry and aerial view camera
shots of crowds below and "peaceful demonstrations" has taken
up all analysis--except, of course, when one wishes to stress the
threats to our "indispensible friend", Israel. But, even then,
fearmongering falls to the joie de vivre of poor young folks
protesting penury. Who funded this economic inequality? Who
loaded Egyptian leaders and their monolithic Military/Security
State with arms and treasure?
Western economic policy, feeding the tyrannical state, created
this oppression. Present day US currency policy has also spiked
food prices throughout the world. These rises have hit poor
nations hard. There have been Food and Fuel Price riots in Africa,
Asia, Eastern Europe and South America.
Revolutions have always found a trigger in rumbling bellies.
Economic inequality and hunger are a recipe for Revolt in all
societies, regardless of political or religious adherence.
Debasement of currencies coupled with inflating commodity prices
is the underlying cause of these revolts. It is strange none of the
experts mention this. Instead we have ready made villains, Ali and
Mubarak(who, indeed were kleptocratic tyrants). These two tyrants
lasted for decades. Why did they fall now? It's fitting to label them
as monsters, but doing so solely to erase the true trigger for these
revolts does a disservice. Americans are quite happy living under
a Government that rewards Banks that commit larceny on a scale
never seen in human history. At the same time they accept the
continuing destruction of their wealth and rights as the wealth and
rights of corporate entities increase. Why aren't they revolting?--Not
enough rumbling tummies. Commodity inflation has yet to hit US shores
as hard as it has hit North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. When it
does, US Corpress types and think tank lackeys don't want you adding
2+2 to get 4. The US isn't led by monsters like Ali or Mubarak. Why
would their people ever revolt?


Narrative control methodically keeps silent what's most feared. It's an
elective myopia which displaces the underlying cause of events for a
greater cause.

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