Saturday, January 29, 2011

US Loath to Lose Tyrants and Designated Torture Masters of Egypt

The United States government stands to lose a

"great friend and stable ally" in Mubarak's Egypt.

President Mubarak and his Chief of Interior, General

Omar Suleiman, Head of Secret Police and its torture

chambers,freshly minted as Vice President, are now

sending provocateurs out to sow anarchy in the streets

inspiring fear in the people who despise them. They have

even opened prisons to increase anomie in the hopes

that people will long for their brand of "order". President

Obama is keen to stress that peaceful demonstrators have

rights setting the defense for Mubarak and Suleiman to

crack down on "violent protestors" to foster "good old days"



Since the Presidency of George W. Bush the

government of Egypt has been a proxy torturing

center for the US in the Global War on Terror.

General Suleiman not only appeases US demands

for torture but goes further and heads an extensive

army of Secret Police which also terrorizes and tortures

Egyptian people who dare oppose President Mubarak's

tyranny. President Mubarak and General Suleiman are

also great friends of Israel and aid the blockade of Gaza.


The Egyptian Military receives over a billion dollars in

US aid every year. The Tear Gas canisters, tanks and guns

used in the streets of major Egyptian cities are paid for by

US taxpayers. Our tax dollars bolster up torturers and tyrants

in Egypt. It is no surprise an Egyptian protestor shouts at

US Corporate Media cameras, "Get out of our country!".

US leadership backs a tyrannical and torturing kleptocracy

that lives on the backs of the people with arms and money.

They are well paid torturers and follow their paymaster's

lead in the Middle East, ignoring the plight of the people.

President Obama and the State Department refuse to place

pressure on President Mubarak to leave a nation that rejects

him. United States aid is the only thing that props up

Mubarak's reign. The longer US rides the fence on Mubarak

the messier the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and Suez will



It must be said that US Economic policy, driven by Federal

Reserve currency printing and Wall Street Speculators, has

created worldwide inflation in the prices of essential

commodities. Food and fuel prices have skyrocketed. People

of all nations are suffering as champagne glasses sparkle and

toasts ring out in Davos. The International Banking Cartel

asks for trillions more dollars to "handle" world wealth for

their benefit. The beginning of the revolt in North Africa

began as a protest against inflation and the kleptocratic rule

of a crony political class. How removed are those conditions

from the US and many other "Western Democracies"?

If Mubarak falls in Egypt, which appears inevitable, he will be

the second ally of the US War on Terror to fall in North Africa.

Is Colonel Qhaddafi next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they say there are tentative dates planned.. for other Arab states: Sudan Jan30 Yemen Feb3 Syria Feb5 Algeria Feb12 Bahrain Feb14 & Libya Feb17

Hope is contagious, but I've also seen that Quadaffi is already cracking down.