Thursday, November 11, 2010

London Youth Against Neo-Thatcherism(Austerity)

Students, Workers and the Elderly are asked to tighten their belts to bail
out the rampant fraud and gambling losses of Investment Banks.
War on Social Safety Nets has always been the focus of Globalist Finance.
The IMF always preaches austerity as it, like a Vampire, sucks more wealth
from nations and funnels it into banks. The Western Poor will soon learn
what the "Third World" poor has dealt with for years. Globalism is baring its
fangs and it's great to see people in France, Spain, Greece, Ireland and the
UK stand up. In the US citizens have protested by electing reactionaries
who are even worse shills for the vampires.
Until people rise up and demand to be heard, their rights will be trampled and
futures destroyed.
Vodaphone gets a 4 billion pound tax write off as students suffer cuts to tuition
Fuck the future and appease Corporations! Fuck that!

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