Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Romance of a Counterfeit Culture

Socrates: I am walking upon air and attacking the mystery of the sun.
---"The Clouds", Act 1, Scene 2, Aristophanes.

1. Too Hyped to Fail: Barack Obama and the Limits of Political Propaganda.

It really isn't a question of failure. He's doing a great job for those who
invested a great deal of money to ensure his victory. Bankers, Healthcare
Trusts and Big Pharmaceuticals are doing well enough. And he's dutifully
increased military spending, shelters criminals from the previous
administration, continues to torture, use rendition and now issues
assassination orders without due process on US Citizens. Oddly his DOJ
has attacked and indicted whistleblowers who leaked documents or film
proving the misconduct of the military or the previous administration......
His further reliance on private security firms(for profit) in intelligence
and military operations shows a man who has become Pandora offering
everyone fool's gold. The Fed(a private banking consortium) prints money
like Papal Indulgences ca. 1430 hiding the $600 trillion bubble in toxic
debt TBTF banks are desperately trying to dump into more public trusts.

2. Obese Americans are causing the Earth to spin slower and tilt.

Atlas is groaning. The Magnetic Pole is slowly shifting west and south. A
crowded room gets hotter.

3. Debt is the "Free Market" version of Original Sin.

We are entering a period of Finance Feudalism. Instead of landed
property, fiefs, lordshipand peasants we have credit and debt. Finance
Capital pens a Summa Pecunia(Aquinas meets the Chicago School)
and all things fall on the Procrustean Bed of Currency Fideism. The
Lords bestow credit to Villeins yoking themselves to Debt Peonage.
Universities operate like The Sorbonne in the Middle Ages. Instead of
a faculty engaged in propping up the Mother Church with Summas and
Apologias, they publish Apologias and Hagiographies for International
Banking, Globalism and the rule of faith based currency. As I have
mentioned elsewhere--this time the Monks are rewarded with real
treasures as they preach the hairshirt(austerity) to the masses.

4. When all is left to chance,
join the Reptilian Resistance!(Death of the Enlightenment)

Open Absurdism is a death knell. It rings daily. The disintegration of
moral and intellectual integrity paints a Byzantine tableau for the future.
When real values are debased to the exchange and "leaders' only concern
themselves with their ends, we get the meanness of Banks allowing an
Economic Crash, profiting immensely from it, and then asked to be the
sole oversight of a "recovery". One must paint this phenomenon by
highlighting the naked absurdism displayed. It is the same absurdity
in the BP Gulf spill. Absurdism in/action. The irresponsible are relied upon
to fix their malfeasance. In Healthcare Reform the most corrupt and costly
aspects of our healthcare system, Health Insurance Trusts and
US Pharmaceuticals, have been given free reign to "fix" the costliest and
least efficient healthcare in the world. We now have a privatized system
which hands more people over to their mismanagement and price gouging.
This hand over is financed by taxing people who have health insurance. The
entire circus is under the oversight of a former Wellpoint Executive VP.

And, most of all, we are still winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan!

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