Wednesday, January 13, 2010

sak vide pa kanpe

"Le vieux pere en tremblant ebranlait l'univers."

---Gerard de Nerval

The emptiness and inability shakes me. It was so
near but unfelt. Shockwaves expand and take
us in. Images cannot share their burden.

To my brothers and sisters in Haiti: recover and
fill yourselves that you may stand.

It is cruel how poverty exacerbates disaster.

An empty sack is already fallen.

*sak vide pa kanpe= an empty sack cannot stand(tr.)


Beysshoes said...

Pura plumas.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't poverty exacerbate everything - maybe the worst thing to rely on is mankind (oxymoron).

And where are these standing sacks, are they full of legs? Whose.

Anonymous said...

Poor people are treated like sacks. Baggage. If empty they cannot stand....The saying is colloquial(sp?).

I'm a man and kind, as long as you don't talk smack...... about........Sometimes poverty exacerbates a sense of defeat, fatalism, etc....But your point is well taken, it does and it was pointless to type it out--The real earthquake in Haiti is the obscene poverty--the event last week just knocked down empty sacks...

Anonymous said...

No, it is never pointless to point it out, it warrants dialogue and maybe any is better than none. But it does always seem to be the same people doing the talking..

And yes, poverty validates defeat, because mankind has warranted that shame is the reward of helplessness.

Anonymous said...

there's no shame in helplessness, look at the Lamb of God whose sacrifice liberated all....(laughter) But the folks who espouse to worship the redeemer are generally the same folks who impute shame to poverty and helplessness as punishment for apostasy from their Christ.