Friday, August 15, 2008

Eyes Wake

Tidal erosion
eddies us
to slumber

Kaleidal motion
jetties up
every wonder

Aswim against 
the dark swell
of night's veil.


I never felt taller. The door opened so easily. Talking on a mobile phone
as the artificial breeze parted my golden locks. Yes, it was me, talking loudly,
laughing and casting an audible shadow over the entire Music Section. A
lady told me I was yelling. How could a giant know? Everything seemed
smaller in scale.
Still as tall, I clicked the phone off and continued my search. Yes, it was me,
the ass unaware of himself.


Beysshoes said...

The poetry was stark, jarring and fragmented. The prose was hysterically funny. Both were theatrical. I loved this read.

Beysshoes said...

This will not continue, btw, if I don't get some art fucks soon. Sarai