At present I am reading Swift's "Journal to Stella". A collection
of private letters written to a Ms. Johnson and Dingle(Stella and Dingle)
during the last years of Queen Anne's reign.
The letters paint a vivid tableau of political strife between Whigs and
Tories. Swift was alienated from the Whigs and growing closer
to the Tories. Many felt he was an opportunist because of the ascendancy
of the Tories at the time. It's an unfair charge.
The bitter party strife led Swift to pen great satires on how inimical and
ridiculous political factionism can be. Reading these letters helps me see
how ridiculous todays factions are in America. As Swift wrote, "Rarely
do the differences merit so much spirit--Over matters so silly as to make
a cantankerous porter giggle.." "Tis sad to see friendships lamed, good
works lain aside because of that miserable harpie faction". I am the first to
admit that some disagreement can be healthy. When it gets to the point
of horseblinded and hidebound hatred--as it is on FOXNews and Radio America
etc..... Both sides should be ashamed. Each side has nothing but Ire or "one way
to break the egg".
To claim oneself as a partisan of either side is a sign of mental
debasement. Certain words are thrown about--"Conservative", "Liberal" etc
counterfeit coins which mean nothing. It's more of a lifestyle and consumption
pattern--a 'fashion" than a sincere belief on how government should be.
All sins can be traced to intellectual laziness---I am with Plato, and Swift.
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